Yesterday, I wrote about the 3 things God want from you and mentioned that the first thing He want is for you to do justly. Today, we shall glean into the second thing God requires from us which is, to love mercy.
You may not be able to love mercy if you really don't understand the power of mercy. so I think we will be putting things in good perspective by reminding ourselves the real meaning of mercy.
I strongly believe that the original root of diseases, natural disasters, wars, and other plagues manifesting upon the earth today is sin. Sin is the father of all evils. The world was at complete peace until sin invaded it.
One of the most powerful laws that keep the universe together is called the Law of cause and Effect otherwise known as, the law of Karma which states that every man is bound to reap that which he has sown even in more folds than double. This means that for every wrong step we take or any mistake we do either deliberately or unconsciously, we are bound under the natural laws of the universe to reap the consequences of our actions. we see the ripple effects of our daily decisions in the appearance of events and circumstances that crop up in our lives. Bad things don't just happen to anyone without a trigger effect from something the person did right or wrong. yes! You can suffer for the good you do too. Bad things does happen to good people. For every action, there is always a reaction. The only thing that can be used to alter the chain of reactions that follows a wrong decision is Mercy.
Mercy means uncommon or unusual favour. Mercy is the opposite of judgement. Mercy is what guarantees you total freedom from the measure of judgement that you should suffer for your past sins and errors.
Mercy stops generational curses and flow of bloodline patterns. The bloodline pattern are dominant traits and events that have hereditary roots. For example, polygamy may seem prevalent in a family to such a degree that one will never find any man in that particular family who doesnt have more than one wife. Even the one that claims to be a born again christain may find himself having extra-marital affair. However, when Mercy set into the situation, this bloodline pattern can be altered such that the recipient will not have any tendency towards this amorous lifestyle.
Forgiveness is not the same as mercy. You may receive forgiveness and not receive mercy. But you can never receive mercy without receiving forgiveness. To receive forgiveness is to be pardoned for your sins. you can be forgiven and still suffer the punishment of your sins. But when you come in contact with mercy, you are not just pardoned, you are also released from the charges brought upon you by your misdeeds. You're completely discharged and acquitted.
While it is good to pray to receive mercy, you need to know that there are certain things you must do to invoke mercy to come your way. I will like to call them the works of Mercy. Another name they call it is the Law of compensation.
King David was one man that was involved in sexual scandal and murder yet he escaped the direct punishment for his actions because of mercy. He was more fortunate than his predecessor, King Saul who for one act of disobedience was rejected by God as King. However, there are certain things David did that made him enjoy unlimited mercies from God.
One of them was thinking of building a temple for the Ark of God. Before then, no one had ever thought of such. David was not motivated by a preacher to do this. he had a burning zeal for the things of God and that was what really made him have contact with mercy. Infact Isaiah 55 refer to it as the sure mercies of David. Another example of someone who had an intercourse with mercy is Rahab, the prostitute that protected the spies from being captured. Ruth the moabite too also encountered mercy when she sworn to Naomi that Her God will be her own God too. t
The first thing that you must do to enjoy unlimited mercy is to put your passion into service for God. Think outside the box on the better ways you can make God happy and draw more people into the Kingdom of God.
Nothing activates unlimited mercy than good works. if you show mercy to others, God will always show mercy to you too. To love mercy means you don't take offence in anything done or said against you. To love mercy means you have created room in your heart that accommodate human error and overlook the mistakes of people. You must not be in the habit of judging people or criticizing them except they allow you the rights to do that..
Another thing you must do to enjoy mercy is to be a sacrificial giver. give not just to your church. Give to less privileged. Get involved in community development. Donate to charitable organizations. Go out of your way to help others especially people that can't pay you back for your generous gesture.
As you grow up and high in life, people will hurt and betray you to a level that can make you hurt or damage your emotional wellness. The ability to still love them without any form of bitterness or resentment is what it means to truly love mercy.
Have a blast this wednesday.
kindly share.
Moses Abiola
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