Saturday, 20 July 2013


"And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Gal'-i-lee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about."Luke 4:14

It is one thing to walk in the Spirit. It is another thing to exercise power in the spirit. You can walk in the Spirit and not have power in the Spirit but you can never have power in the Spirit without walking in the Spirit.

The bible says Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit. However, if you read Luke 4:1, it says ' And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,'

From this scripture, you'll agree with me that Jesus was walking in the Spirit when he was led into the wilderness but he was not yet empowered in the Spirit to carry out His assignment on earth.

Beloved, for you to fufil destiny and do great things in life, you will need to take an adventure in the Holy Ghost. You need power to get work done on earth. And God can only do things above your request and imagination according to His power that is working inside of you.

In simple English, the results you are seeing in your life today is equivalent to the power working on the inside of you. To change the results in your life, increase the power working inside of you.

Most of us dream of doing great things. Most of us dream of starting a global enterprise. We dream of changing the political landscape of our country. Some of us desire to be part of the shakers and movers of national economy. As much as this dreams are good, you will need power to bring it to pass.

Anybody can dream dreams but only few can wake up to bring that dream to pass.
For some of us that try to bring our dreams to pass, we are faced with one major challenge which is Overcoming the obscurity of the wilderness.

The adventure that brought Jesus into power was undertaken in the wilderness. There is no man that wants to be powered up in the Spirit who will go into the wilderness. Champions are made in the wilderness. It is in the wilderness that you build the character and staying energy that will sustain you in the wilderness.

No suffering that has come upon you now should make you give up. Already you are in your wilderness and you need to just hang in a while for you to succeed. You can still break through even if you have broken down.

David went to the cave of Adullam before his manifestation as a king. Joseph went from slavery to prison before becoming a prime minister. Even Jesus was led into the wilderness before he entered into manifestation. How much more you!

You're a poor specimen if you give up in the days of adversity. In the wilderness, you may be so buffeted with temptations by the devil that it would seem as if God has gone on a long vacation. But hold on, your strength in God will break you through the hardships.

Tomorrow we shall continue on the 3 pre-requisites for Returning in the Power of the Spirit.

Kindly share.
Moses Abiola

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