Thursday, 4 July 2013

finding the Will of God

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable,and perfect will of God". Rom.12:2

 We all wear masks. We wear it so much that we often forget who we are. In this age and time where everyone is  trying to blend in, it is so easy to forget our real identity as christians.

 Most christians still struggle to understand the will of God for their lives. Ultimately, we feel its God's responsibility to show us the big picture about our future. While this is true, we should also be aware that it is our individual duty to prove whether our future will be good, acceptable or perfect before God.

 The scripture is so simple that if you don't remove your religious binoculars when reading it, you may get it all figured out wrongly. To understand God's plan for your life, these are what to do;
Never conform to the world's  way of doing things. Dare to be different. Break out of the status quo. In other words, think without the box.

Secondly, renew your mind daily by feeding and meditating on the word of God. In English, it means, think and make a constant practice of the word of God.

 Thirdly, don't stop at being a good christian. That will get you to heaven no doubt but you may make little impact on earth. Acceptable is better than good but then, why settle for the available because the preferable seems unreachable?

 Aim for the perfect will of God. The genius in christianity is unleashed as we press further for the higher goal. It is up to you to prove what is good. It's up to you to prove what is acceptable. It's up to you to prove the perfect will of God. It begins from changing the way you think.


Kindly share.

Moses Abiola


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