Sunday, 28 July 2013


"For God speaks again and again,in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on men as they lie on their beds. He opens their ears in times like that, and gives them wisdom and instruction, causing them to change their minds, and keeping them from pride, and warning them of the penalties of sin, and keeping them from falling into some trap". Job 33:14-18 TLB
God is always willing to speak to every believer who is yearning to hear Him. The surest way God communicates to every one of us is through His word. Unfortunately, most of us are either too distracted when it comes to studying the scriptures or we are in a hurry to get it done and over with that we don't take time to meditate on what we have read.

Now this is what God does if you miss the message He is trying to communicate to you in the word, He speaks yet again to you in the dream or in the vision of the night when you are lost in deep sleep.

There are five reasons why God speaks to us. God speaks to give us wisdom for living, instructions for manifestation, correction for restoration of what we have lost, protection from entrapment and warning from the penalties of sin.

I was so blessed today by Pastor Poju Oyemade sermon on 'Whoever wins At Night Wins During The Day'. And I will like to use some of what He said to explain the concept of hearing from God.

The spirit realm is not as deep as we think. We receive the conversations of the spirit through signs and symbols from our environment. People often wonder, why does bad things happen to Good people? Nothing happens to you in the natural without a sign from the universe. It is just that most of us are not aware enough to listen to the conversations behind the scene.

Before things starts going wrong within your environment, God will always communicate to you through dreams or via vision of the night. However if your heart is overwhelmed with the cares of the world and the business of making a living, you won't be able to get it.

When you start observing strange movements in your environment, be smart enough to read the signals. Go straight into prayer.

When God wanted to protect Jesus, He didn't kill Herod, He warned Joseph in a dream to take the child away at night. If God would do that to protect Jesus, then you should also pay attention to your dreams. God still communicate to us through dreams and vision of the night.

Every demonic entrance into your life is through emotional attachment. Never take lightly the wrong vibes you get from people close to you especially when you are progressively ahead of them. You must maintain a spiritual surveillance over your environment. Don't be too emotional when you are involved with people. Shine your eyes. Nothing must miss your eyes.

If you want to be certain, try do a backtrack on all the negative events that has crop up in your life, you'll realize that it came as a result of wrong suggestion or wrong association.

Every one of us have internal clock that set our lives in order. The hand of this clock moves in alignment with the number of years alloted to you to spend on earth. Attached to this clock is a bell that rings loud within us when danger is near. And each time we're about to take steps that will bring disorder to our space, the bell starts ticking louder but if your emotions are cloudy, you may not be sharp enough to pay attention to the bell ringing in your heart.

The bell is your intuition. The clock is your conscience. If you know how to pray right, you can always turn back the hand of time to favour you.

Join me tomorrow as we dig deeper into understanding the voice of God.

Kindly share.
Moses Abiola

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