Friday, 19 July 2013


"Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto II-lyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ." Rom. 15:19

God answers us according to the measure of power that worketh in us. Eph.3:20 To increase the results in your life will mean you increase the powerhouse of your spirit man.

The level of power your spirit man can generate will determine the manifestations we see in your life.

Mighty signs and wonders were carried out by the power of the Spirit of God.

There is a calling apart for anyone who is interested in getting the power of the Spirit. You have got to get out of the crowd. Power is for the individual and not for the collective even though it is needed for ministering to the collective. Power respond only to those who are ready to pay the price of loneliness as they yield the greater call.

There must be isolation before association for any individual who is yearning for the power of the Spirit. Just like Jesus went into the wilderness, you must be ready to go into the wilderness of seperation from comfort, friends, opportunities and other benefits as the Spirit directs you.

God will strip you of everything that can make you boast or rejoice in yourself before He empowers you. To access the unlimited power of the Spirit, you must be ready to mortify the deeds of the flesh. There is always a denying you must give the flesh to operate in the power and might of the Spirit.

Fasting and prayer  is one of the spiritual discipline you need to engage in before you can access the power of the Spirit.  Show me a christian that doesn't set at least one day of the week for prayer and fasting and I will show you a powerless Christian. To up your game in the affairs of the Spirit, you have got to be  a christian that lives a fasted life. There is no one who has done great acts upon the earth in the bible times and even in this present day that didn't engage the weapon of fasting and prayer. It was in a 40 day fast that Moses was given the Ten commandments. It was in a fast that Ezra received the courage to go and rebuild the temple. Daniel was in a fast when he received the prophecy of the end of ages. And I remember Oral Roberts saying that he would spend endless hours on his knees praying and fasting before he started his healing ministry which later brought about the Oral Roberts University.  It was in a fast that Paul was seperated for the special works that God wrought through his hands. Fasting and prayer helps you deny the flesh and renew the spirit man.

Fasting and prayer helps fasten your life in a manner that enables you to achieve in a 3-day fast what you would have struggled to achieve in 3years time. To shorten the length between space and time in the manifestation of our blessings, we must be ready to fast and pray.

Remember that when Jesus' disciples asked Him why they were not able to cast out the demon of Epilepsy from that boy, he answered them that 'this goeth not out except by prayer and fasting.

Luke 9:1 says "Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases."

If we could cast out demons without power there really will be no need for Jesus to give His disciples power to do such. Truth is, you need power to cast out demons. You need power to cure diseases. You even need power to witness the gospel of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. if you're in doubt, you try to preach to anyone without praying and you will see that it is no different from having a debate  or a gist about football. And power will always come upon you after you're baptized with the Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ is the source of all power that you may need as a Christian. If Jesus fasted and prayed before returning in the power of God, then you should do same.

However, more than fasting and prayer one more thing or should I say two things are needed for you to be a powerful christian.

We shall be dealing with that tomorrow.

Kindly share.

Moses Abiola

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