Tuesday, 30 July 2013


" For God speaks again and again,in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on men as they lie on their beds. He opens their ears in times like that, and gives them wisdom and instruction, causing them to change their minds, and keeping them from pride, and warning them of the penalties of sin, and keeping them from falling into some trap". Job 33:14-18 TLB
  God is so aware of the frailty of humanity that He doesn't stop speaking. He speaks again and yet again especially through the Bible. The only challenge with us is that we may have stopped hearing.

Sadly enough, most of still hear when God speaks but we struggle hard to obey and then miss out on God's best for us.

I realized that the reason why some folks die before their time is because their internal clock stopped working a long time ago so they no longer have a moral compass to help them navigate their ways through life.

Before the appearance of any negative occurence on the outside, the elements would have communicated to you through a nudging you ignored or wrong vibes from someone you take for granted.

The universe speak to us through omens or signs and symbols. The same way you can easily discern when it will rain by looking at the sign from the clouds so also can you be consciously aware of the energy around you.

To decode the signs on the wall, you must be able to capture the thoughts of the moment. This was how Daniel was able to read the handwriting on the wall.

There is a hand writing out the events of your life on the canvass of the universe.
You need the eyes of your spirit to be opened to read and understand the written words on the wall.

Follow me tomorrow as I write on interpreting the language of the element in your daily activities.

Kindly share. Have a fruitful week.
Moses Abiola


"For God speaks again and again,in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on men as they lie on their beds. He opens their ears in times like that, and gives them wisdom and instruction, causing them to change their minds, and keeping them from pride, and warning them of the penalties of sin, and keeping them from falling into some trap". Job 33:14-18 TLB
I just knew something was wrong the moment we started the journey but I shrugged it off since we just finished a service in church. Yet there was this pounding headache and uneasiness crawling all over me as we set out for vigil that night. I told my friend but we talked over it casually and went ahead with our plans for drama rehearsal that night we felt it was business as usual until we came face to face with armed robbers who pointed guns at our head while they took away our phones and other personal effects.

Though no one was hurt but It dawned on me that day that the reason most people die before their time is simply because they did not listen to the nudging within.

While it is not a regular thing to have a spectacular experience in hearing God like Moses did in the bush, it is a very common thing to know that God speaks to everyone everywhere everyday and at everytime. It is just sad that we may not be able to interprete the language of God as it reflects in our environment and the event thrust upon us.

Whenever a wave of uncertainty sweeps over you as you want to make a decision, that simply means you should take caution or be double sure before you go ahead.

There are signals and vibes you get when you're in love with the wrong person but the rush of hormones will always blind your eyes to heed the warning. Many women that are divorced today will tell you that they knew something was just not right before they said I do.

You have got to understand the omens of the universe as you trudge along the path to fulfillment. If all of a sudden and for no reason at all, you're no longer at ease in a place or you feel uncomfortable among a group of people, withdraw quietly and go. Listen to your heart.

There is no such thing as coincidence. What we call coincidences are the intervention of the supernatural in the affairs of men. As a believer whose life is hid in Christ, coincidences should be a regular occurence in your life.

God has planted eternity in the heart of men. God does this by injecting us with dreams and ideas geared towards helping humanity. These dreams have eternal value in the sense that it will continue even after the pioneer is dead. However, the way you manifest in the purpose of God for your life is by staying true to the dreams of your heart and speaking words in alignment to its fulfillment. By doing this, you'll effortlessly attract dream makers.

The combination of different incidence that effortlessly trigger the fulfilment of every dream is called coincidence.

A man with big dreams stands the chance of living longer than someone without one. The moment you know what you want from life, you'll be attracted to three sets of people.

The first set of people are those who don't have dreams. So they are indifferent to your dreams because they are too cynical to believe in dreams. They are dreambreakers.

The second set of people you will attract are dream killers. They have failed in the pursuit of their dreams so they give you strong reasons to discourage you from going after yours. They are pushovers.

The last set of people are dreammakers. They are people who are so passionate about you fulfilling your dream. They may not agree with you on all subject matter but they will never allow your differences come in between the dream.

If you find yourself in the company of dream makers, hearing from God will be so easy. It will be easier for God to communicate to you through them on the things you missed out in the place of preparation and planning.

The relationships we keep will also influence how well we hear from God.

Kindly share.
Moses Abiola

Sunday, 28 July 2013


"For God speaks again and again,in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on men as they lie on their beds. He opens their ears in times like that, and gives them wisdom and instruction, causing them to change their minds, and keeping them from pride, and warning them of the penalties of sin, and keeping them from falling into some trap". Job 33:14-18 TLB
God is always willing to speak to every believer who is yearning to hear Him. The surest way God communicates to every one of us is through His word. Unfortunately, most of us are either too distracted when it comes to studying the scriptures or we are in a hurry to get it done and over with that we don't take time to meditate on what we have read.

Now this is what God does if you miss the message He is trying to communicate to you in the word, He speaks yet again to you in the dream or in the vision of the night when you are lost in deep sleep.

There are five reasons why God speaks to us. God speaks to give us wisdom for living, instructions for manifestation, correction for restoration of what we have lost, protection from entrapment and warning from the penalties of sin.

I was so blessed today by Pastor Poju Oyemade sermon on 'Whoever wins At Night Wins During The Day'. And I will like to use some of what He said to explain the concept of hearing from God.

The spirit realm is not as deep as we think. We receive the conversations of the spirit through signs and symbols from our environment. People often wonder, why does bad things happen to Good people? Nothing happens to you in the natural without a sign from the universe. It is just that most of us are not aware enough to listen to the conversations behind the scene.

Before things starts going wrong within your environment, God will always communicate to you through dreams or via vision of the night. However if your heart is overwhelmed with the cares of the world and the business of making a living, you won't be able to get it.

When you start observing strange movements in your environment, be smart enough to read the signals. Go straight into prayer.

When God wanted to protect Jesus, He didn't kill Herod, He warned Joseph in a dream to take the child away at night. If God would do that to protect Jesus, then you should also pay attention to your dreams. God still communicate to us through dreams and vision of the night.

Every demonic entrance into your life is through emotional attachment. Never take lightly the wrong vibes you get from people close to you especially when you are progressively ahead of them. You must maintain a spiritual surveillance over your environment. Don't be too emotional when you are involved with people. Shine your eyes. Nothing must miss your eyes.

If you want to be certain, try do a backtrack on all the negative events that has crop up in your life, you'll realize that it came as a result of wrong suggestion or wrong association.

Every one of us have internal clock that set our lives in order. The hand of this clock moves in alignment with the number of years alloted to you to spend on earth. Attached to this clock is a bell that rings loud within us when danger is near. And each time we're about to take steps that will bring disorder to our space, the bell starts ticking louder but if your emotions are cloudy, you may not be sharp enough to pay attention to the bell ringing in your heart.

The bell is your intuition. The clock is your conscience. If you know how to pray right, you can always turn back the hand of time to favour you.

Join me tomorrow as we dig deeper into understanding the voice of God.

Kindly share.
Moses Abiola

Friday, 26 July 2013


"He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?Micah 6:8
Today, I will put a wrap on this series of what God want from you as we delve into the third thing God want from you.

Two days ago I emphasized that the first two, which is "to do justly, and to love mercy" has to do with our relationship with other people while the last one focuses on how we are supposed to relate with God.

The last one which is the onus of today's message says 'God want us to walk humbly with Him'.

If God is saying He demands that we are humble in our walk with Him, it also suggest that we could be proud even as we walk with Him. There are instances in the bible of people with humble start-off with God who later lifted up their heart in pride. A good example is King Uzziah.

In 2Chronicles 27:15B-16TLB, it says "So he (Asa) became very famous, for the Lord helped him wonderfully until he was very powerful.
But at that point he became proud- and corrupt. He sinned against the Lord his God by entering the forbidden sanctuary of the Temple and personally burning incense upon the altar.'

To walk humbly before God means to carefully follow the path of the Lord your God. 2Chron. 27:6. And the reward that comes from this is that you will be very powerful in what you do.

To walk humbly with God means to Obey God and live as you should or simply put, strive towards
perfection. Gen. 17:1

Walking with God requires humility and it begins from the attitude we show to God when we offer prayer and worship to God. Some of us are too familiar with God to even fall on our knees and pray to God. You dare not sit down before the President of your country except he tells you to. How much more God?

Sadly, we all live among a generation of people who will tell you that "it is about the heart and not about the attitude". They fail to realize that your attitude to God is a reflection of your heart. Not that it is bad to lie down or sit down when you pray or worship but please don't criticize people who would rather stand, kneel down or fall flat on their face in the presence of God.
Charles Spurgeon in his book, Praying successfully said, whenever God means to make a man great, He always breaks him pieces first.

Don't wait until you are humiliated before you humble yourself before God. Don't be too familiar with God. Honour and respect God. A man who lacks the fear of God will be full of the fear of man. God resist the proud but gives grace to the humble.

I will like to end with Charles Spurgeon remark on prayer. "Get on your knees, you who feel guilty. Get on your knees if your heart is sighing on account of sin. If the dark gloom of your iniquities is gathering around you, cry to God. He will hear you.

Attitude is everything.

Kindly share.

Moses Abiola


 " For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not." Job 33:14
The most fascinating experience for any Christian is to hear the voice of God.

For a very long time I used to adore and admire people who hear from God. It was so bad to a level that all you need to say to deceive me is just to put "Thus saith the Lord" and you already have me hypnotized. However through the help of several teachings from my Spiritual father, Pastor Poju Oyemade and Brother Kenneth Hagin books especially "How to be Led by the Spirit of God", I started decoding how God speaks.

May I suggest that if you are so hungry to grow spiritually and have a deep insight about how to operate in the spirit realm, just make time out this sunday to attend Covenant Christian centre at 400 Herbert Macaulay way as Pastor Poju Oyemade is taking a series on " Understanding the realm of the Spirit".

From our text today, it's very clear that God speaks everytime to us. Whether you're a believer or an unbeliever. The bible gives full account of How God speaks to unbelievers telling them to repent from their sin. Eze. 18:21

However the only challenge we always have is hearing from God. Heaven's radio operates 24/7 but if you don't know the frequency modulation(FM), you may not be able to hear. So then you may wonder, how do I hear from God?

It is very simple. The first thing you must know is God is a Spirit. The only way you can hear God is to get your spirit inclined to Him.

To incline your spirit to God, You must be born again. If you're not born again, you may likely be having familiar spirit manifesting to you as God. The word familiar means similar. There are spirits that can mimic God and commune with you. You need to be not just a born again christian but a mature christian to decode them.

Follow me tomorrow as I take you on what you need to do to hear God tell you everything you need to know about your future.

Kindly share.
Moses Abiola

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


"He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"Micah 6:8

The same LORD is rich towards all men regardless of race, tribe and gender. And from this scripture, it is very clear enough that one way or the other God must have shown all of us that which is good. However there are only three things God expects from us as we daily grow in faith.

 Yesterday, I wrote about the 3 things God want from you and mentioned that the first thing He want is for you to do justly.  Today, we shall glean into the second thing God requires from us which is,  to love mercy.

You may not be able to love mercy if  you really don't understand the power of mercy. so I think we will  be putting things in good perspective by reminding ourselves the real meaning of mercy.

 I strongly believe that the original root of diseases, natural disasters, wars, and other plagues manifesting upon the earth today is sin.  Sin is the father of all evils. The world was at complete peace until sin invaded it.

One of the most powerful laws that keep the universe together is called the Law of cause and Effect otherwise known as, the law of Karma which states that every man is bound to reap that which he has sown even in more folds than double. This means that for every wrong step we take or any mistake we do either deliberately or unconsciously, we are bound under the natural laws of the universe to reap the consequences of our actions. we see the ripple effects of our  daily decisions in the appearance of events and circumstances that crop up in our lives. Bad things don't just happen to anyone without a trigger effect from something the person did right or wrong. yes! You can suffer for the good you do too. Bad things does happen to good people. For every action, there is always a reaction. The only thing that can be used to alter the chain of reactions that follows a wrong decision is Mercy.

Mercy means uncommon or unusual favour. Mercy is the opposite of judgement.  Mercy is what guarantees you total freedom from the measure of judgement that you should suffer for your past sins and errors.

Mercy stops generational curses and flow of bloodline patterns. The bloodline pattern are dominant traits and events that have hereditary roots.  For example, polygamy may seem prevalent in a family to such a degree that one will never find any man in that particular family who doesnt  have more than one wife. Even  the one that claims to be a born again christain may find himself having extra-marital affair. However, when Mercy set into the situation, this bloodline pattern can be altered such that the recipient will not have any tendency towards this amorous lifestyle.

Forgiveness is not the same as mercy. You may receive forgiveness and not receive mercy. But you can never receive mercy without receiving forgiveness.  To receive forgiveness is to be pardoned for your sins. you can be forgiven and still suffer the punishment of your sins. But when you come in contact with mercy, you are not just pardoned, you are also released from the charges brought upon you by your misdeeds. You're completely discharged and acquitted.

While it is good to pray to receive mercy, you need to know that there are certain things you must do to invoke mercy to come your way. I will like to call them the works of Mercy. Another name they call it is the Law of compensation.

King David was one man that was involved in sexual scandal and murder yet he escaped the direct punishment for his actions because of mercy. He was more fortunate than his predecessor, King Saul who for one act of disobedience was rejected by God as King. However, there are certain things David did that made him enjoy unlimited mercies from God.

One of them was thinking of building a temple for the Ark of God. Before then, no one had ever thought of such. David was not motivated by a preacher to do this. he had a burning zeal for the things of God and that was what really made him have contact with mercy. Infact Isaiah 55 refer to it as the sure mercies of David.  Another example of someone who had an intercourse with mercy is Rahab, the prostitute that protected the spies from being captured. Ruth the moabite too also encountered mercy when she sworn to Naomi that Her God will be her own God too. t
The first thing that you must do to enjoy unlimited mercy is to put your passion into service for God. Think outside the box on the better ways you can make God happy and draw more people into the Kingdom of God.

Nothing activates unlimited mercy than good works. if you show mercy to others, God will always show mercy to you too. To love mercy means you don't take offence in anything done or said against you. To love mercy means you have created room in your heart that accommodate human error and overlook the mistakes of people. You must not be in the habit of judging people or criticizing them except they allow you the rights to do that..

Another thing you must do to enjoy mercy is to be a sacrificial giver. give not just to your church. Give to less privileged. Get involved in community development. Donate to charitable organizations. Go out of your way to help others especially people that can't pay you back for your generous gesture.

As you grow up and high in life, people will hurt and betray you to a level that can make you hurt or damage your emotional wellness.  The ability to still love them without any form of bitterness or resentment is what it means to truly love mercy.
Have a blast this wednesday.
kindly share.
Moses Abiola


"He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"Micah 6:8

More often than not, most of us always focus on the minor and forget the major.
We seem to think God is a taskmaster whose rules and commandments are extremely hard to keep especially in this 21st century but fortunately it isn't as hard as you think. Infact it is so easy because God communicates to us in our thoughts everyday.

We know so much about what God doesn't want from us and know so little about what God want. It is what you know about God that will form the perception and attitude you show towards God. If I ask you to tell me the things that God doesn't want, you'll sure be quick to tell me God doesn't want you to sin, God doesn't want you to lie, God doesn't want you to go to hell and so on and so forth.

However, I have learnt over time that the only way you can stop doing what God doesn't want is by knowing what He wants and doing it as well. The more you do what God wants you to do, the less you struggle with what God doesn't want from you.

For example, until you're righteousness conscious, you'll always be rising from sin today and falling back to it tomorrow. Being sin conscious makes you commit sin. What you do is what you're conscious of. So if you're sin conscious, you'll be committing sin at will but if you're righteousness conscious, holiness will be your lifestyle.

Now what exactly do you think God want from you?

Just like we read in our text for today, there are 3 basic things God want from us.
Firstly, see that justice is done.
Secondly, let mercy be your first concern.
Thirdly, walk humbly with thy God or let me use it this way, humbly obey your God.
If you look deeply at these three things, you'll realize that God is more concerned about relationships than we think because the first two requirements of God deals with how we relate with people. It is only the last one that talks about how we relate with God.

The bane of this discourse is that if your relationship with the people around you isn't right, your relationship with God can never make sense.

If satan wants to get you to displease God, all he needs to do is to bring you into provocation with people. That is why we need to prayerfully protect the relationships in our lives. Satan turned Adam against Eve when God asked him why he ate the fruit. Adam was so quick to put the blame on Eve by saying "it was the woman you gave me that made me eat the fruit".

Adam wasn't even kind enough to call her name. Here is the same man that was so excited to say "This is the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh". But when the devil entered the picture, Adam was quick to strip himself of any blame by addressing her by her gender.

Today, we shall focus on the first thing God want from us.

We operate under a system that promotes people based on connection rather than merit and this has corrupted our society and polluted our sense of value.

In all matters and decisions you make in life, you must always ensure that justice is done. In all of your dealings with people, you must be kind enough to be fair and transparent in a manner that makes you seek the best for others even as you want the best for yourself.

Don't allow your familiarity with people especially those in your inner circle cloud your sense of judgement in a way that will make you be guilty of nepotism.

Don't give jobs or create a reward system in your organization based on relationship alone but on merit and qualifications.

Don't use your position or status to intimidate or compel people to submit to you.

Treat your wife with respect. Admire her. Seek her counsel before you set out to do anything regarding the welfare of your family. Never insult or shout on her in the presence of your children no matter how naughty she is.

Submit to your husbands too wives. Don't go about telling your kids that you're the one that earn more in the family. Things may be tight for now and you find yourself taking the lead in the area of finance. Nevertheless, let it not be seen in your reactions, nor be heard in your words that your husband is not doing well.

Be honest in all your business deal. Fight for the rights of those you can help around you. Do this not for fame or fortune but for the greater good. This is how you mete out the hand of justice.

Let's continue tomorrow.

Kindly share.
Moses Abiola

Sunday, 21 July 2013


Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit says the LordAnd Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit..." Luke 4:14"
There are certain laws that govern the realm of the Spirit and we must know how to exercise our spiritual senses and grow the spiritual muscles that will enable us operate in the power of the Spirit.

Before every season of manifestation in the power of the Spirit there must always be the season of temptation. Fasting and prayer doesn't keep the devil away. Infact I want to believe it gives the devil the opportunity to test and see how true we are to what we waited on God for.

Unfortunately it is always at this juncture that most christians give up.

Jesus after going without food for 40days was hungry and satan the tempter came visiting. If you studied the temptation of Jesus Christ very well you will realized that the same trick the devil used to deceive Eve was the same way he came to tempt Jesus. It was food that the devil used to entice Eve. It was the same food that the devil tried to used to get Jesus when satan said Jesus should turn stones to bread.

Satan will never tempt you in your area of strength. Satan will always tempt you in that place of your vulnerability or weaknesses. For Jesus was hungry, satan came to tempt him to turn stone to bread. I meditated long and hard on why satan chooses to come against Jesus this way only to realize that satan already knew who Jesus was and what He was capable of doing. He knew Jesus was God manifested in flesh. So the reason why he came hard on Christ to turn stone to bread was to make Jesus operate in the realm of God instead of in the realm of man.

There is nothing bad in Jesus turning stone to bread but if Jesus had fallen for that temptation, the salvation agenda would have been terminated for Jesus would need to overcome temptation by operating as the son of man and not as a God to save humanity.

No wonder the bible says "He was tempted and touched by the feeling of our infirmities yet was without sin. Jesus suffered hunger same way you and I suffered hunger yet he was not intoxicated by the love of power to turn stones to bread.

Next the devil took Jesus on a sight seeing adventure and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said all this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore will worship me, all shall be thine.

I used to think the devil must be such a dummy to think Jesus would fall for such lie. However we need to be aware of what the book of James told about temptation to understand what Jesus went through. James 1:13-14 says "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

So will I be permitted to say that satan tried to captivate Jesus Christ by the glory shown to Him yet He didn't cave in. Already what the devil was trying to make Jesus do was to bow to pressure and deliver the Isrealites from the threshold of the Roman empire. The Jews were waiting for the messiah. They thought He would come and deliver them from the iron clad rule of the Romans the same way Moses did in Egypt. Satan must have sensed this and that was why he suggested that idea to Jesus. He wanted to give Jesus political power thus defeating the purpose of  his calling.

 If Jesus had bow to satan, He would have the political power but it will never be possible for Christ to die on the cross. But Jesus didn't bulge. He replied by quoting the scriptures. The word of God was the weapon Jesus used to overcome the tempter.

The third temptation was to make Jesus fly like a superman from the pinnacle of the temple. This time around the devil changed the trick of operation by quoting Psalm 91:11 which says "For He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

However, he edited the original version as quoted in verse 11 of Psalm 91 and added his own. This is what he said in Luke 4:10-11 " For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee: And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

It was never recorded anywhere that "in their hand they shall bear thee up". It was satan that added that to persuade Jesus. But Jesus didn't argue or debate on the authenticity of that statement. The only thing Jesus said was "it is said "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

Before you can operate in the power of the Spirit, the devil will tempt you with the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. If you can overcome temptation in these three phases, you will enter into the fulness of the power of the Spirit.

God permitted the devil to tempt Jesus to show us that though Jesus was in the flesh, He wasn't fleshly controlled but Spirit controlled. He didn't allow the weakness of His flesh to rule over His Spirit. Jesus denied self.

It was in the wilderness that Jesus won the battle over flesh. He was attacked with lust of the flesh when he was hungry but he chose to suffer the flesh to enable the food of  the Spirit which is the word of God nourish his body. Jesus was enticed by the lust of the eyes in that instance when He was shown all the kingdoms of the world and their glory but Jesus didn't obey the flesh. Yet again when He was lifted up on the High top of the temple to cast himself down, the devil was buffeting him with pride of life. He wanted Jesus to display supernatural power by working against the law of gravity, yet Jesus chose to walk in the Spirit by replying with the relevant word of God for that situation.

Jesus showed us by His lifestyle that victory over temptation comes from responding with the relevant scriptures to every challenges satan throw at us.

Study to show yourself approved a good workman that need not be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth. This is the way to operating in the power of the Spirit.

Kindly share.
Moses Abiola

Saturday, 20 July 2013

The miracle of everyday healing: THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT

The miracle of everyday healing: THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT: "And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Gal'-i-lee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about...


"And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Gal'-i-lee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about."Luke 4:14

It is one thing to walk in the Spirit. It is another thing to exercise power in the spirit. You can walk in the Spirit and not have power in the Spirit but you can never have power in the Spirit without walking in the Spirit.

The bible says Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit. However, if you read Luke 4:1, it says ' And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,'

From this scripture, you'll agree with me that Jesus was walking in the Spirit when he was led into the wilderness but he was not yet empowered in the Spirit to carry out His assignment on earth.

Beloved, for you to fufil destiny and do great things in life, you will need to take an adventure in the Holy Ghost. You need power to get work done on earth. And God can only do things above your request and imagination according to His power that is working inside of you.

In simple English, the results you are seeing in your life today is equivalent to the power working on the inside of you. To change the results in your life, increase the power working inside of you.

Most of us dream of doing great things. Most of us dream of starting a global enterprise. We dream of changing the political landscape of our country. Some of us desire to be part of the shakers and movers of national economy. As much as this dreams are good, you will need power to bring it to pass.

Anybody can dream dreams but only few can wake up to bring that dream to pass.
For some of us that try to bring our dreams to pass, we are faced with one major challenge which is Overcoming the obscurity of the wilderness.

The adventure that brought Jesus into power was undertaken in the wilderness. There is no man that wants to be powered up in the Spirit who will go into the wilderness. Champions are made in the wilderness. It is in the wilderness that you build the character and staying energy that will sustain you in the wilderness.

No suffering that has come upon you now should make you give up. Already you are in your wilderness and you need to just hang in a while for you to succeed. You can still break through even if you have broken down.

David went to the cave of Adullam before his manifestation as a king. Joseph went from slavery to prison before becoming a prime minister. Even Jesus was led into the wilderness before he entered into manifestation. How much more you!

You're a poor specimen if you give up in the days of adversity. In the wilderness, you may be so buffeted with temptations by the devil that it would seem as if God has gone on a long vacation. But hold on, your strength in God will break you through the hardships.

Tomorrow we shall continue on the 3 pre-requisites for Returning in the Power of the Spirit.

Kindly share.
Moses Abiola

Friday, 19 July 2013


"Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto II-lyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ." Rom. 15:19

God answers us according to the measure of power that worketh in us. Eph.3:20 To increase the results in your life will mean you increase the powerhouse of your spirit man.

The level of power your spirit man can generate will determine the manifestations we see in your life.

Mighty signs and wonders were carried out by the power of the Spirit of God.

There is a calling apart for anyone who is interested in getting the power of the Spirit. You have got to get out of the crowd. Power is for the individual and not for the collective even though it is needed for ministering to the collective. Power respond only to those who are ready to pay the price of loneliness as they yield the greater call.

There must be isolation before association for any individual who is yearning for the power of the Spirit. Just like Jesus went into the wilderness, you must be ready to go into the wilderness of seperation from comfort, friends, opportunities and other benefits as the Spirit directs you.

God will strip you of everything that can make you boast or rejoice in yourself before He empowers you. To access the unlimited power of the Spirit, you must be ready to mortify the deeds of the flesh. There is always a denying you must give the flesh to operate in the power and might of the Spirit.

Fasting and prayer  is one of the spiritual discipline you need to engage in before you can access the power of the Spirit.  Show me a christian that doesn't set at least one day of the week for prayer and fasting and I will show you a powerless Christian. To up your game in the affairs of the Spirit, you have got to be  a christian that lives a fasted life. There is no one who has done great acts upon the earth in the bible times and even in this present day that didn't engage the weapon of fasting and prayer. It was in a 40 day fast that Moses was given the Ten commandments. It was in a fast that Ezra received the courage to go and rebuild the temple. Daniel was in a fast when he received the prophecy of the end of ages. And I remember Oral Roberts saying that he would spend endless hours on his knees praying and fasting before he started his healing ministry which later brought about the Oral Roberts University.  It was in a fast that Paul was seperated for the special works that God wrought through his hands. Fasting and prayer helps you deny the flesh and renew the spirit man.

Fasting and prayer helps fasten your life in a manner that enables you to achieve in a 3-day fast what you would have struggled to achieve in 3years time. To shorten the length between space and time in the manifestation of our blessings, we must be ready to fast and pray.

Remember that when Jesus' disciples asked Him why they were not able to cast out the demon of Epilepsy from that boy, he answered them that 'this goeth not out except by prayer and fasting.

Luke 9:1 says "Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases."

If we could cast out demons without power there really will be no need for Jesus to give His disciples power to do such. Truth is, you need power to cast out demons. You need power to cure diseases. You even need power to witness the gospel of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. if you're in doubt, you try to preach to anyone without praying and you will see that it is no different from having a debate  or a gist about football. And power will always come upon you after you're baptized with the Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ is the source of all power that you may need as a Christian. If Jesus fasted and prayed before returning in the power of God, then you should do same.

However, more than fasting and prayer one more thing or should I say two things are needed for you to be a powerful christian.

We shall be dealing with that tomorrow.

Kindly share.

Moses Abiola

Thursday, 18 July 2013


And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with Knowledge and understanding." Jer.3:15
It is not every pastor that is qualified to minister to your need. No matter how good a sermon may be or great a church may look, it doesn't mean that should be your place of worship.

There is a pastor for everybody. Just like every sheep has a shepherd, so also has God in His infinite mercy designed each of us to fit into a particular place of worship. It will be a crucial malady to now try to incorporate what is working in your own church into another church.

Christianity is more than an organized religion. It is a spiritual conglomerate that carries the move of the Spirit to revive the souls of weary men and lost folks. And the reason why most people are still where they are today is simply because they are yet to locate their Peniel- the place of encounter.

Going to church because it is nearer to your house or workplace is a carnal adventure to futility. Going to church because they can pray heaven, earth and brimstone is a geographical dislocation in the place of appointment. Going to church because the praise and worship is balm is like window shopping in vanity cafe. Going to church for signs and wonders alone is like taking a vacation to disneyland in your dream. If you go to church because of position, you're setting up yourself for a global disgrace. If you must go to church at all, it simply must be because God has led you to that place.

The only reason why God will lead you to a church is to be fed with the knowledge of Him and to increase in understanding of His will for your life.

I completely agree with Bishop Oyedepo who says it repeatedly in most of his messages that if your church can not change you, change your church. And I think it was one time I heard my spiritual mentor, Pastor Poju Oyemade says 'if you have changed your church more than 3 times in six years, then you must be heavily influenced by the spirit of seduction.

God said, I will give you pastors according to mine own heart. He didn't say according to your own heart or desire. If you really want to grow in the knowledge of God and increase in the understanding of His will, you must pray that God should show you your pastor.

The word for your life is in the mouth of your pastor. You can gather speed to cover all lost ground in the spirit if you consistently receive a supply of God's word for your life from the mouth of the pastor God has called you to be under.

However, only God can show you your own pastor. But the moment you locate him, everything else will fall in place.

Kindly share.

Moses Abiola


Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


"Because they provoked his spirit, so that he spake unadvisedly with his lips." Psalm 106:33


Most people think that the problems in their lives are caused by other people and external circumstances. They are shocked when they are told that they are the primary creator of everything that happens to them. They want others to change. They want the world to change. But they do not want to change the way they speak.
What you say has a way of affecting others. What you say also have a way of affecting you. Nevertheless, what other people say to you can damage you if you don't cultivate the habit of protecting your spirit from the words of men. The bible says offence will surely come but you have got to possess your soul with patience by not allowing what people say to you provoke you in a manner that will cause you to speak unadvisedly with your lips.
We live in a world where it is impossible not to meet and work with difficult people. However, it is important we protect our spirit from provocation from men such that we don't find ourselves speaking unadvisedly with our lips.
Nothing has wrecked many families and destroy many marriages than an angry response to a verbal insult. The war of words has torn countries apart, set business empire ablaze, ruin people's esteem and forced many to commit suicide. Words spoken in anger made many lose their jobs, turn die hard lovers to sworn enemies, set children against their parents and forced domestic violence. One of the greatest damage we can unleash upon people is known as verbal abuse. It can be on your employee. Physical wounds can be easily cured than emotional wounds. Most of us are still under the weight of the wrong words spoken into our lives at childhood.
You may not be able to control what people say to you. But you can control your response to what they say. When you take complete control of your words,you take control over every other aspects of your life.
Never allow the insult and abuse you receive from people provoke you to lash back with your tongue or speak unadvisedly. Moses was a perfect leader with a burning desire to lead his followers to the promise land but just one wrong word from him as a result of provocation from the Isrealites made him fall out of favour with God. This incident changed the course of his life and God didn't allow him enter the promise land.
There are five things you should not do when you are angry and they are listed below:
  • Don't Spoil Things
  • Don't Insult Each Others' Family
  • Dont  hurt Yourself
  • Don't use foul languages on each other.
  • Don't throw objects at each other.
However there are also two things you can do  do to save yourself from reacting violently to people when they talk rudely to you. You either keep your mouth shut or you walk away.
Silence can never be misquoted. Walking away also help you to cool down, relax your mind and save yourself the trouble of doing damage control. Your reaction can damage your relationship or destroy a trust that has been built for years.
We need to get to a place where we become free from the effect of  wrong words released to us from people. You may not be able to take back a word harshly spoken but you can put a watch over what you say by not responding. You are wiser if you don't reply for there is much power and wisdom in quietness. We also need to get to a place where we consciously stop using our words to hurt others. A soft answer can melt the toughest of heart.
One prayer I strongly believe can help us is the prayer of the psalmist in Psalm 141:3 which says "Set a watch , O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips."
I strongly believe that if this prayer is offered up with all seriousness, it can assist us to change in the areas where we need to change in the way we speak.
Kindly share.
Moses Abiola

Monday, 15 July 2013


"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ". 2Cor. 10:5

Shishir Srivastava in her book, 'The Eight Powers Within You' shared a story that I will like you to read as we explore the power of imagination and how it forms an impression on the universe. "Since childhood I have been taught to believe in the oneness of humanity. In school I dreamt of growing up and working for the good of all.

One day in 2000, I looked at a photograph of the United Nations Headquarters building in a magazine in my office. I then visualized myself standing in front of it. At that time I had no money and no idea how my imagination or desire would take me there. But I kept visualizing my trip to America and reaching the UN till I was convinced that I would be able to do so one day. Thereafter, I started applying for peace conferences abroad and travel sponsorships. In 2003 I got my first break when I was invited to a peace education seminar in Hamburg, Germany.

Thus began a series of trips to various countries, all sponsored by the organizers. The next year I was asked to attend the Parliament of World Religions in Barcelona, Spain. In 2005, I was invited to a convention at the UN Headquarters. And in July of that year I was finally there in front of the UN building. I also got the chance to share my views in the UN General Assembly Hall. Aged twenty-nine years, it was a great achievement for me. I was convinced the Power of Imagination did exist in me. I explored it and soon realized it was present in all the human beings.

The source and centre of all man’s creative power is his power of making images, or the power of imagination.
—Robert Collier
The images within us always form an impression on the universe.

The truth is imagination is the strongest medium of communicating visually with the universe.

All the movies we see today started as pockets of images in the mind of the writer. However it is only when it is wired by actors it with creative expression that it comes alive on the screen. To tell you how powerful the human mind can work with images, you'll realize that most kids and even adults complain about having nightmares when they see a scary movie.

Imagination is the visual screen of our mind. It is that part of our being that captures images that are expressed by our emotions. The part of your brain that processes information in pictures is your imagination and it can be used to communicate your desire to the universe.

Imagination is the color we used to paint our world in our mind. if you know how to stretch your imagination, it can take you to places your feet can never

As such, it is important you consciously screen the images that you endorse on your heart. You may not be able to control the flashes of images that run rampage on your mind but you can choose the one you focus on. The same way you change the channel on your TV with a remote control is the same way you regulate the images that crosses your mind.

Never waste time on vain imaging. You can cast down every evil images from your heart by the words you speak. Don't watch what you don't want. What you consistently imagine will eventually become the picture that will feature in your future.

Create new images that align with the dreams and desire of your heart and experience a profound transformation and renewal in your life.

Kindly share.
Moses Abiola

Thursday, 11 July 2013


"Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh,yet now henceforth know we him no more." 2Cor. 5:16 KJV
"So stop evaluating Christians by what the world thinks about them or by what they seem to be like on the outside. Once I mistakenly thought of Christ that way, merely as a human being like myself. How differently I feel now!" 2Cor.5:16TLB

The universe communicate to us with signs and omens but we have to be sensitive to relate with it intuitively.


In the things of the spirit, you don't relate with people based on your familiarity with them or even based on their status, position,and appearance. if you follow your feelings in making judgement or decision about anyone you may be making a costly mistake.

Don't enter into a relationship or business deal because it feels right. For it doesn't take more than one wrong person to alter and destroy all the good things in your life.
The second most powerful language the universe understand is the language of feelings. Feelings are the vibes we subconsciously pick from our environment. The same way a gory sight or sad news gives you a creepy feeling so also do you get a good vibe after listening to a good song. No wonder drugs sell fast because people are always craving to feel high.


What you feel now is what you'll attract. The universe has a way of attracting what you feel right now to become your current or future reality. I have heard people say I just don't like that person or I get a lot of wrong vibes from that person. As good as that might be as a signal, it also does ot mean it should be a yardstick to judge or form impression about them.

First impressions is not always the best impression. You have got to put your feelings in check by maintaining emotional resonance when it comes to dealing with people. Smart people can stimulate the kind of feelings they want from you by their appearance and oratory skills. You've got to develop your 6th sense to see beyond what people are saying to you.

 You can influence the circumstances in your environment through your emotional thermostat.

 If you marry on feelings, you may be making the worst mistake of your life. It doesn't take more than just one person to destroy all the good things in your life.

 It was the error of one bad guy called lucifer that upset the ultimate plan of creation and brought hell fire as a final detour to sinners who will not repent.

 You have the power to control your feelings. If you can control your feelings, you can control and also influence the circumstances that are triggered by your environment.


To change the way people feel about you begins by altering the way you feel about yourself when you go before God. it is in the place of worship that your vibrations are elevated and harmony is created within. This will change people's perception of you on the outside and trigger unusual favour with men.

 Make the joy of the Lord your strenghth for no man, no possession , no accomplishment, nothing on the outside can give you joy unspeakeble except God. Maintain an inner state of peace within through consistent meditation upon the word. Your peace is in the word of God. Cultivate an atmosphere or sanctuary of peace within such that no negative occurence on the outside can distort.

 To feel high regularly takes a daily consistent practice of staying in God's presence through worship. You dont need to be a junkie to do this. You'll always be joyful if you worship God daily and a heart of gratitude that comes from praising God continually is what you need to sustain it.

 If you do this regularly, you'll always emit that rdivine aura that will draw the right people towards you and you'll intuitively pick out wrong people when they come around you. This is what walking in the spirit is all about.

Kindly share.

Moses Abiola



Wednesday, 10 July 2013


'And now, brothers, as I close this letter let me say this one more thing: Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine,good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about'. Phil. 4:8TLB


Every 21st century christian should know that the universe respond to four languages.


They are the language of thoughts, the language of feelings, the language of imagination and the language of expression.


The first is the language of thoughts. The universe operates round an orbit whose motion flows on vibrations. Since thoughts are magnetic vibrations, the universe is so sharp to pick and hear the slightest signal of thought from humans. Then the universe spins events through other similar thoughts that are running a traffic round the orbit at that time to create the event that will produce the reality of that thoughts.


When you pray to God, He answers you with inner peace even though you're yet to see the tangible manifestation of that thing. However for the answers to become real, you'll need to do what Apostle Paul said. If you can fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. If you can think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on fine good things in others, the universe will come together to produce the event that will create the reality of your request.


Let's say you want to eat pizza and you focus on it for few seconds, the universe will pick that message and start creating the events that will make that pizza a reality for you in little or no time at all. Suddenly you may notice a pizza billboard or sight a pizza cafe.


This must have happen to you if you've ever been in love with somebody that share similar passion for you. You'll notice, sometimes, when you think about the person,your phone will suddenly ring, and surprisingly you will hear the person's voice at the other end.

The reason why this happen is because of the high vibrations between the two of you.


You become what you think which the bible confirms when it says that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he". So it is important you don't alter your desire through negative thoughts. You can never rise above the level of thoughts. Even if by a streak of miracle, you hit a jackpot of N1billion, if your level of thought can't sustain more than N100,000, you'll find out that until you blow off the money to N100k your brain won't start working. Why? It is because you are a living manifestation of your predominant thoughts.


Psalm 19:2 says 'night unto night reveals knowledge. 1st Cor. 14:2-5 tells us that whoever speak in unknown language edifies God. This suggest to us that if we can wake up in the middle of the night to pray in tongues, we'll get powerful thoughts and revelations that will transform our life and business rapidly.


There are traffic of ideas pouring in the night from heaven that only those who speak the language of heaven can conceive the thoughts that will produce their manifestation.


Wake up, pray, meditate on God's word and the universe will submit to you as your spirit leads you in the right direction.


Kindly share.

Moses Abiola



'Do you know the laws of the universe and how the heavens influence the earth?' Job 38:33TLB
Today, we shall continue with the hallmark of a 21st century christian.

God is trying to tell us in the scripture above that there are certain laws that govern the universe.

Asides the law of gravity and Karma, there are other deep spiritual laws that every 21st century christian must practice to do great things on earth and I will be sharing on one of them today.

One of these laws is the law of elemental linguistic programming (ELP)which tells you how to use your words to manipulate the operations of the elements to favour your day.

Elemental forces are the binding energy that keep the universe in motion. According to the order of creation, we have Water,light,air and earth. These four elements were the first forces God created to supply life and provide habitation for all living things in the universe.

For example, water is the habitat for aquatic organisms. Light gives us energy and food through photosynthesis. Air gives us oxygen and the earth bears fruits and crop for us.

Events and circumstances can work to your favour if you know how to speak the language of the universe.

God asked Job if he has ever commanded the morning to appear and caused the dawn to rise in the east. God asked Job again, If he had told the daylight to spread to the ends of the earth, to end the night's wickedness. Job 38:12.

I'm so sure if Job had praticed these laws he wouldn't have fallen a victim of such wickedness from the devil.

Demonic activities is on high traffic in the night. We have enemies that don't sleep over our case yet you and I will mumble some short words of prayer and go to bed believing that the stickers on our door 'Angels on Guard, Keep off', is enough to keep us alive. You better wake up in the dead of the night and pray.

Put your angels to work with the words of your mouth and not with stickers from your church.

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Tuesday, 9 July 2013


  "He will flatter those who hate the things of God, and win them over to his side. BUT THE PEOPLE WHO KNOW THEIR GOD SHALL BE STRONG AND DO GREAT THINGS'. Dan.11:32

Whether we like it or not we are in the last days. We are in the era where people are no longer ashamed to boast in their worship of satan and immorality sells faster than food.

The entertainment industry is so corrupt that you begin to wonder if there is any difference between our world and sodom especially with the introduction of gay rights which has been receiving global acceptance in major countries of  the world. However it seems like the Church of Christ is still so comfortable with those user friendly messages they ditch out to excite our flesh and tingle our ears.

You know what, I sort of find comfort in that scripture that says those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits or great things.

If there was ever a time the knowledge of God was on the increase, it is in this age. And for the next 7 days we shall together be considering the qualities of a 21st century christian. In this present time, if you don't know your God, you can't do nothing.

 Today the world bows and worship some music idols that don't give two oranges about God. Millions of dollars are invested by popular brands to promote some of this idolatrous stars. And for most of us young fathers or aspiring parents, if we don't up our game in spiritual matters, our children will be influenced by all the demons unleashed through their music.

Information is so powerful that it can make or mar us. It's time we wake up and embrace holiness and righteousness.

A 21st century Christian must have a personal relationship with God. You must be so sure that you're heaven bound at any point in time...

Let's continue tomorrow.

Kindly share.

Moses Abiola


Friday, 5 July 2013


"Come unto me all ye that Labour and I will give you rest". Matt.11:28
Most of us are so good at fixing other people's problem that we sometimes forget how to fix ours.

Trust is the first step to rest. Trust means you are courageous enough to face your fears and worry and then hand it over to Jesus. Most of us are part time believers. We're good people no doubt but we don't see ourselves good enough for God. We struggle to forget what God doesn't remember about us anymore. And that has a way of hindering us from really believing.

Most of us relate with God like we relate with humans. You're too careful to trust anyone, too independent to rely on anybody. We always want to be in charge. This is the kind of handle we mettle to God.

No matter the anxiety and agitation within, we're so smart to keep a bold face. But today, I'm not appealing to you to trust anyone but please trust Jesus.

Tell Him all your secrets. Tell Him all your fears. Whisper your worries to His ears. Tell Him all your sins while you still have the chance. He isn't going to judge you. Jesus won't do anything until you ask. Not that He is proud or He doesn't see all you are going through. It is just that Jesus Christ isn't in the habit of intruding into people's space. He respects your privacy. He can't force His will or impose His way on you. He's not going to judge you.

You've got to have true faith in Christ's ability to intervene and fulfil His promises for you.

Kindly share.
Moses Abiola


"Now we know so little, even with our special gifts, and the preaching of those most gifted is still so poor.
But when we have been made perfect and complete, then the need for these inadequate special gifts will come to an end, and they will disappear." 1Cor. 13:9-10

No matter how gifted you're in the realm of the Spirit, there is a limit to which you can know. This is partly because we're still of the flesh, so human error can't be possibly ruled out.

I sincerely believe what the scripture meant about the preaching of those most gifted is still so poor is that we all preach based on our experiences. Your preaching is limited to your knowledge. Any preacher that preaches outside his experiences will soon be swimming in murky waters.

Now being made perfect and complete is talking about love. The Love of God is where you find perfection and completeness. Forget those R n B you hear before going to bed. Your perfection isn't in your love for your husband or wife. Your completion isn't in any romantic relationship. Your wholeness is in your singleness. You don't need a better half. What you need is a better whole.

I still wonder why some die-hard, spiritual enthusiast believes that the fulness of God is measured in the display of annointing and spiritual gifts. The fruits of the Spirit is the character development for every true believer. It is the fruits that takes you to heaven not the gifts. In the fruit is the seed of God and whoever has the seed of God cannot sin.

Any annointing without character is annoyance branded in the garb of ignorance. Sadly,there are many annointed Men of God without character.

I'm not trying to play down on spiritual gifts but permit me to say this, you can not walk in love and not have the gifts.

You only need spiritual gifts to work for God. It is the fruits of the Spirit that enhance your walk with God. And the first step in your walk is love.

Kindly share.


"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16
I discovered that gaining victory over the challenges of life require some boldness of heart and not just the wearing of a bold face.

God expects us to be bold enough each time we make mistakes to walk without fear to the throne of grace where we can obtain His mercy. No matter your sins, no matter your errors, no matter how terrible your past is, as long as you don't throw in the towel, you'll surely obtain mercy. Go with your weaknesses to the throne of grace. Stop saying that is just the way I am. Be ready to embrace change.

For you to encounter that change that will transform your life, there is a bold move you need to make and that move begins with a step to the throne of grace.

The first thing you get at the throne of Grace is mercy. It is mercy you need to stop the flow of judgement from the consequences of your misdeeds. After this, God will now supply you with grace.

Grace doesn't make you keep sinning and coming back for forgiveness at every time. Grace enables you to overcome sin. Grace is the empowerment pill God gives to all believers to make you walk and live a holy life.

It is God's grace that you need to be complete in the fulness of God. Most of us obtain mercy but we are not patient enough at the throne to receive the grace of God. Grace is what will you need to get you out of trouble.

When confronted with peril and overwhelmed with the troubles of life, grace is all you need to break through it.

Stop telling people your problems. There is a king sitting and waiting on throne. He knows what you need but He won't do it until you ask. Asking begins by going boldly.

If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl. Just make sure you are not tied to a spot. Keep moving and until you get to throne of grace, do not stop.

Kindly share.

Thursday, 4 July 2013


"For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his". Heb.1:10

In the course of starting out the second half of the rest of 2013, I think it's important we seek a better way to do things so as to maximize the time.
More than finding ways to make the rest of the year better than before, I strongly challenge you to enter into your rest.

What does it mean to enter into your rest? To enter into your rest is to cease from trying too hard to make things work in your life. To enter into your rest is to follow God's plan for your own life. What will give you rest is not the same as what will give me rest. However to enter into your rest, you must with patience possess your own soul. If you're still reacting to life based on the appearances on the outside, then you're yet to find rest.

To enter into rest doesn't mean you have to stop working and become lazy. God doesn't use lazy people for his work. Study the bible and you'll find out that all the people God called were at their workplace at the time of their calling. So make no excuse for your idleness as a sign of God's call to greater things.

Keep at your work. Nothing on the outside no matter how attached you're to them can give you rest. Detach from things even as you go about your work. True rest begins from going back to those promises God gave you in His word. Open up yourself to God to show you His way and teach you His path. Ps.25:4

This is your season of rest. Stop putting pressure on people, put the pressure on God's word.

Kindly share.
Moses Abiola


Top 10 Most Motivational Quotes of All Time

1. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. - Aristotle

2. The best way out is always doing things right. - Moses Abiola

3. Do not wait to strike till the sword is sharp; but keep striking even while you are sharpening the sword. - Moses Abiola

4. Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. - Albert

5. Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right. - Henry Ford

6. I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become. - Oprah Winfrey

7. I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve
been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again
in my life. And that is why I succeed. - Michael Jordan

8. You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

9. What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become after achieving your goals-  Moses Abiola

10. When you stop loving, you start dying- .Moses Abiola
