Friday, 30 August 2013


"And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men." Acts 24:16

Offences are bound to happen as we relate with one another daily. This is simply because of our diverse opinions, idealogies and value system. But even at that, it is very important that we learn to disagree to agree without drawing blood with our swords.

Ever had a beef towards God? Sure I have. Especially for those many prayer requests that were unanswered.

Nobody was born perfect. It is not bad if you have beef towards God for one reason or the other. What is bad is what you do with the beef. You take it too far when you turn your back on God because things didn't turn out the way you want it.

The same way you'll never hand over the key of a Limousine to your 2yrs old son because he is pestering you for a car so also will God never give you a blessing you're too immature to handle. God will only give you what you need and not what you want.

You need to master the art of emptying every trash of offences in your heart by forgiving people no matter what they do to you. When the bible says you should exercise a conscience void of offences, It doesn't mean you won't be jealous, envious, angry and bitter towards people. Nevertheless, you must never allow it to provoke you to react adversely.

There are two ways to settle offences. You either settle the matter with the party involved when you are calmer or you simply walk away by ignoring it. However you need the wisdom of God to know the most suitable option as occassion arises.

Whoever you nurse grudges against has control over your emotions and actions.
Medical experts said most diseases can be traced to emotional disorder.

To enjoy emotional and spiritual freedom, forgive everyone. Love truly. You must daily keep your conscience empty of offence towards God and man.

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Moses Abiola
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Saturday, 24 August 2013


"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Psa. 139:14

Today, I am going to teach you how to identify your unique selling point. However before I go into that, it will be very necessary that we look up the word 'fearfully' and 'wonderfully' made.

When the bible talks about being fearfully made, it means everything else God made is subjected to respond to you.

You were not made for things. Things were made for you. So you fall below the standard when you live in fear because events aren't working to your favour at present.

Being fearfully made is about your identity. You need to understand your bloodline is that of the supernatural.
You're the express image of God, the likeness of his person. As such, things like sickness, demons, satan, poverty, pain, barreness, calamity and every other form of crisis are made to be fearful of you. You're not made to be fearful of them.

Since this is your make-up by God, it means that anything you fear is what you will attract. Fear is an illusion of your imagination.

Take this to heart and live with it from now, whenever you're confronted by any unpleasant situation, never respond in fear. Rather, Pause, relax and think about what God would do if He was in your situation. Go into the word of God and unleash the sword of the Spirit.

Now what does it mean to be wonderfully made? It means that there is something loaded in you that is meant to bring wonder to the world. You're wired up with ideas, abilities, potentials and dreams that can transform the world.

Kindly do this today, list out your strengths, skills, talents, and capabilities in your private journal andIf you do this consistently, God will begin to take you to places where your talents, skills and capabilities will be given visibility and celebrated. This is how you discover your purpose in life.

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Moses Abiola


"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Psa. 139:14

Everybody has a selling point. Of all the 7.5 billion people on earth today, there was none before you and there will be none after you because you're simply one of a kind. You're a wonderfully complex masterpiece, a unique creation of a supernatural God. You're a bundle of unlimited creativity wired up by a limitless God.

You probably had two responses after reading the first Paragraph. First, you liked what you read and your greatest wish was for them to be true for you. But your second response was probably one of skepticism and disbelief. Even though your deepest desire is to really believe and act like those words you read but your doubts and fear arose immediately to remind you of your limitations and disability.

Well, well, you're not alone. I used to feel the same way years ago. There were so many people I wanted to be like that I became one of the faces in the crowd.

We all have this picture of who we really want to be yet we sometimes find it hard to express that image of ourselves in real life.

However, I will spend the next three days teaching you on how to use praise to boost your confidence and become all that God has made you to be.

Regardless of your looks, background or status, we are all the same before God. All are equally fearful and wonderful.

So stop seeing anyone as better than you because of their pedigree,achievement and outlook.

Praise is a confidence booster. Praise is the bible cure for poor self esteem. Let me show you how to celebrate your uniqueness.

Now this is what I want you to do for me, Get a clean journal or a sheet of paper and write out 5 things you like about your physical outlook. If you can't write out 5 things you admire about yourself physically, you really have a terrible self esteem. I mean you're wired up with a lot of great stuff like your dentition, hair, fingernails, skin colour and texture and every other part of you that you find amusing. please ignore the ugly parts. ignore the names and the negative things others or you have said about yourself.

Once you've done this, create your own song around the 5 things you like about yourself and praise God with it. It doesn't have to rhyme or sound cool. As long as it makes sense to you, it does to God as well.

This is what you will discover as you do this exercise, your eyes will be illuminated to see other things you should admire about yourself

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Moses Abila

Friday, 23 August 2013


So if your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. Better to enter heaven crippled than to be in hell with both  of your hands and feet. Matt. 18:8

Several years ago, I read the story of a young boy who cut of his genitals with razor blade just because he wanted to break free from fornication. When asked why he did it, he screamed out in pain saying, 'I was trying obey what Jesus said in Matt.18:8 about cutting off any part of your body that causes you to sin'.

You may laugh at his stupidity but don't forget that such is the way of people who lack understanding of the scripture.

Now Jesus isn't literally saying we should cut off any part of our organ that causes us to sin. Jesus was simply talking about avoiding offences.

If you read verse 7 of that same Matthew 18 in NLB, it says "woe upon the world for all its evils. Temptation to do wrong is inevitable, but woe to the man who does the tempting.

What Jesus was trying to say when He said, 'if your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away' is that you should absolutely detach yourself from relationships that reveals and indulges your weaknesses.

If going to visit a brother or sister will make you fall into sin, don't go.

We all face temptations daily. However what determines whether you fall into sin or not are the people you keep in your inner circle. Emotional attachment to the wrong people will land you in wrong places.

Cut yourself away from people who bring out the worst in you. Break every emotional attachment to people whose presence tends to provoke strife or stimulate sin in you.

Don't pick up jobs that incite you to collect bribes, forge signatures and falsify reports for financial gains.

For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. James 3:16

Pray like this : Oh Lord, disconnect me from every attachment to wrong people. Bring me into loyal alliance with right people. Isaiah 14:1b

To be continued tomorrow.
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Moses Abiola

Wednesday, 14 August 2013


"O PRAISE the LORD, all ye nations: praise Him all ye people. For His merciful kindness is great towards us: and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever. Praise Ye the LORD. Psa.117

People often think Christianity is a religion for the weak so they tend to pamper their weaknesses and vulnerabilities under the garb of spiritual coyosis.

It is very easy for you to praise God when things are working according to plan. Truth is, real praise stems from praising when you don't even have a plan that will make anything to work.

Let's be very straight now, it isn't your praise that will change the situation or crisis confronting you, but one thing praise does is to change your attitude to your situation. So nothing changes on the outside when you praise but there is always a transformation on the inside when praise is offered up. Praise only help you to see your issues from God's perspective and attack it without fear.

It is this transformation that birth new things. New ideas spring up after a season of consistent repeated praise. So praise isn't a cheap way out of the challenges of life. In fact, praise is one of the ways you make contact with the life force of God and this automatically magnify your strength and boost your confidence to face any challenge and win.

Praise is the stimulant that makes you courageous to boldly overcome your oppressors. You can't be a praiser and be timid. If you are still trying to find your voice, that is, you have a poor self esteem, start a regular life of praising God. This will help you accept your uniqueness from other people.

Any praise that doesn't change you didn't get to God because God resides in the praises of His people. So you can't be a "praiser" and still remain a timid person.

Your praise is more important than your prayer because praise is a culture in heaven. Your praise won't change God but it will change you.

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Moses Abiola


"Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation". Hab.3:17-18
There are times God may allow bad things happen to good people especially His favourite children. Note the word 'allow'. It doesn't mean God is the author of it. God doesn't have bad goods so there is no way He will give you what He doesn't have. However, God may temporarily fold His hand and watch you go through crisis after crisis.

God permits all these to happen to change your perception about Him. Once your perception about God changes, your life will start to change tremendously.

Don't mourn your loss. It is a waste of time. Your worth is not in your possession or accomplishment. Detach yourself from what you are so that you will discover who you are.

It is in crisis that you unlock your identity. Crisis unlock your potentials. When you pray the prayer of purpose, what you're saying is "God, detach me from things and attach me to you. Don't fight the pressure you are facing presently for it is in the place of pressure that your treasure is unleashed.

The devil causes people to go through trouble so as to turn them against God. But God uses those crisis to teach us to praise Him. Don't argue when life doesn't give you a better deal than you deserve. Don't complain or murmur. Don't play the blame game because things are not going your way.

Praise is one of the way to rejoice and express joy in the LORD.

The next time crisis knock at your door, don't grumble or react. Smile and praise God. Go on your knees and worship God.  Your strength is not in what you have lost, your strength is in your leftover.

When you are left with over with God, He will give you speed to cover all lost ground and walk upon high places.

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Moses Abiola

Monday, 12 August 2013


By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of lips giving thanks to his name." Heb.13:15

You need to understand the concept of sacrifice for your mind to fully grasp the essence of praise.

Sacrifice means to give up something. Sacrifice means oblation or offering. However, if I am going to bring it closer home, sacrifice suggest that there must be loss of something or the painful exit of something very close to our heart. For example, God sacrificed Jesus on the cross for the redemption of humanity.

Now when the bible talks about sacrificial praise,I strongly believe it is saying that the best time to offer praise is in the period of praise. Those period when it seems as if God doesn't make sense are the moment you offer praise to God.

Have you prayed and it didn't work? Fasted and it looks like an exercise in hunger strike with no particular result to show for it? Switch over to praise.

Sacrificial praise is praising God in the belly of the fish like Jonah did. You just got sacked, praise God on it till the coast is clear. You going through a divorce, heartbreak, unemployment, or death of a loved one? Don't mourn your loss for too long. Put on the garment of praise when your spirit is down.Sadness or complaining doesn't change anything. Only praises changes things.
Prayer tells God about the matter. Fasting makes you wait on God for the matter. The word of God is what you use to remind God of His promises on the matter. But PRAISE is what you use to bring GOD into the matter.

No matter the crisis you're going through, don't allow your condition influences your confession.

Whatever takes praise out of your lips has taken God out of your life. For God dwells in the praises of His people.

Let your praise be more than your prayers. This doesn't mean you shouldn't pray. It means you should do what I call the prayer of praise.

The prayer of praise is making a long list of every single act of kindness you have experienced in your life and thanking God for it. Gratitude changes heaven's attitude to your request and soon enough this eventually will change your altitude.

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Moses Abiola